Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hello out there all you Valentines!

So, on this day after Valentine's Day, look what I got for breakfast this morning! Chuck fixed a "vegetable bread-boat omelet!" It was delicious! This is one of his concoctions. He first carves out the bread, creating the "boat" and cooks it in the oven for a while. Then he adds egg to his vegetable mixture (and they are fresh vegetables) which he has already prepared. It is comprised of fresh asparagus, black beans, onions, broccoli, red bell peppers, carrots, zucchini, and then cheese is added on the top. He then fills the " bread-boat" with the mixture and finishes cooking it in the oven. It is simply delicious! I'm am lucky that he is such a good cook . . . and he likes to cook!

I hope all of you had a very Happy Valentine's Day. We had a nice day. I received a beautiful free-standing crystal butterfly from Chuck and I gave him a very nice piece by glass artist Susan Frisbee.

My printer broke on Friday night, and we went out to find another one. We picked one out, but it was special order so I won't get it until sometime during the week. In the meantime, Chuck came home and fixed my printer. So, he will take it, and I will get the new one! I'm excited.

My Mom came over this weekend and we played Hearts. It was a lot of fun. Both Mom and Chuck win most of the time. (I win more on the computer game of Hearts than I do with real cards)!

Have a good week! 'Til later.



Anonymous said...

That looks great/delicious! How long did he bake the egg mixture?
On V-day we did Matinee of the Arts at the jr museum. Rainy and glum all day but we had a few sales.
I read on the Democrat online that LeMoyne got burglarized. Sorry about that. At least there was an alarm system.

Terrie Corbett said...

Hi Sara,

He cooked it for 55 minutes. He said that the sauces he incorporates in the fresh vegetables caused more liquid than he thought necessary so he did have to cook it longer than expected. It was delicious!

Anonymous said...

OK, that's good to know. Maybe I'll get Mark to make the dish!